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COVID-19 Joint Information Center Update: October 30, 2020

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The Washington County, Maryland Joint Information Center (JIC) provides the following update regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please visit for the latest numbers on Washington County’s COVID-19 dashboard.’
COVID-19 Joint Information Daily Briefings will be released ONLY on Tuesdays and Fridays.
**The dashboard is updated Monday-Friday**
The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) informs Washington County citizens that we are entering a critical time in the fight against COVID-19. Many of us are exhausted and may be experiencing pandemic fatigue. However, now is not the time to become lackadaisical in protecting ourselves and others from spreading COVID-19. How we collaboratively handle the next several weeks will determine the course as to whether or not we slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
The County has seen an uptick in confirmed positive COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths during the month of October. This increase is concerning as we are heading into colder months where many activities will be moved inside. We urge the public to be extra mindful that COVID-19 still exists in Washington County. Please continue wearing a face covering. While wearing a mask does not fully eliminate the possibility of contracting COVID-19, masks do provide an extra layer of protection. If you or someone in your family is experiencing any COVID-19-related symptoms, please do not attend any type of gathering and stay home. Please continue to wash your hands, physical distance, and avoid gatherings.
Our healthcare workers have been working tirelessly for 7 months. We owe it to the nurses and doctors to continue working together to slow the spread of COVID-19.
  • Meritus Screening Drive Thru Center is located at 13620 Crayton Blvd. The drive-thru screening center is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m and Saturday from 8:00 a.m.-noon.
  • CVS Drive Thru Testing Site located at 1503 Potomac Ave, Hagerstown MD 21742. Please visit to see if you qualify for testing at this site and to schedule an appointment.
  • CVS Drive Thru Testing Site located at 10 E Wilson Blvd, Hagerstown MD 21740. Please visit to see if you qualify for testing at this site and to schedule an appointment.
  • U.N.I. Urgent Care Center located at 11236 Robinwood Drive, Suite 101 Hagerstown, MD 21742. Appointment required and patients are charged with copay. Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; 240-313-4242
  • U.N.I. Urgent Care Center located at 18721 N Pointe Drive Hagerstown, MD 21742. Appointment required and patients are charged with copay. Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.; Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; 301-733-8313
COVID-19 Testing
Mobile Testing Sites: Closed for the winter months.
Winter Testing Site: Starting Monday November 2nd the Washington County Health department will be providing drive-thru and walk-up COVID-19 testing at one location during the winter months. Please go to the entrance at 13 West Lee Street and follow all traffic directions to be tested.
Hagerstown Housing Authority
13 West Lee Street, Hagerstown
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
How to Get Your COVID-19 Test Results:
It takes approximately 24 hours from the time of your visit to a collection facility to the time your result is available and ready for viewing.
  1. Open your browser and type in
  2. Register and create an account
  3. Check the email you used for the activation code
  4. Activate by entering your birthday, username, zip code, and password
  5. Login to lifepoint after successfully activating
  6. Once logged in you can see your results
We are Hiring for COVID-19 Positions!
The Washington County Health Department is currently accepting resumes for multiple positions to assist us in our COVID-19 response. If you are interested in working part-time at our COVID-19 testing site, please send your resume to the health department’s Human Resources Officer Jessica Delmotte-Schoppert at [email protected] Individuals who do not include their resume will not be considered for the position.
FREE Flu and Childhood Vaccination Clinics
Washington County Health Department is offering FREE Childhood Vaccination Clinics and FREE Flu Vaccination Clinic for Elementary Age School Children. Parents must register their child in order to be seen at one of these clinics. For a schedule of clinics and instructions on how to register your child please go to
Maryland 2-1-1
With Help comes Hope. 2-1-1 is here to listen and connect you to essential resources 24/7/365! There is hope and help. Dial 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 8-9-8-2-1-1 or visit the website at
The drive-thru screening center for COVID-19 testing will begin weekday hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., while remaining open on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. – noon.
The screening center is located behind Meritus Medical Plaza at 13620 Crayton Blvd. Testing is available for anyone, including those who do not currently have symptoms of the coronavirus, but suspect or are concerned that they have been exposed. No appointments or referrals are needed to be tested. Test results are available in as little as 24 hours either through a patient’s My Chart account or primary care provider.
Most Meritus Medical Center patients may now have one visitor during limited times daily. Limited visitor hours are 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. and again from 5:00-9:00 p.m. Close family members of patients should first call to speak with their loved one’s nurse to check on potential restrictions that may keep them from coming to the hospital. All visitors must be age 18 or older unless he/she is the parent of a pediatric patient. At this time, no visitors are permitted in the rooms of patients diagnosed with or being investigated for COVID-19. Additionally, outpatient services and inpatient behavioral health areas are not open to visitors yet. All visitors will be screened for flu-like symptoms including fever upon entering the main lobby of the hospital and those with visible symptoms or a fever will not be admitted to visit patients. Facemasks are required for all visitors and must be worn at all times in the hospital. Details and specific exceptions to the visitor policy can be found at
Meritus Health continues to offer FREE telehealth visits. These visits will allow patients to speak directly with a primary care provider to discuss health concerns.
Telehealth visits are available from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. To request a telehealth visit please complete the form below.
Since restrictions remain in place for visitors at Meritus Medical Center, the hospital is offering virtual visits to connect patients with their families and friends. To setup a virtual visit, please contact the program’s coordinator at 240-313-3163.
Fall sports are getting ready to kick off while some are already underway. Read more about our high school sports updates at:
Visit for constantly updated resources and information to help you reopen your business.
Washington County has received $1.352 million in funding to distribute under the Direct Relief for Restaurants Grant provided by the State of Maryland under the Maryland Strong: Economic Recovery Initiative. The Washington County Department of Business Development and the City of Hagerstown Department of Community and Economic Development, along with community partners, are working together to plan rapid distribution of this funding. The criteria and application for this grant will be announced in the near future.
Below is information from Governor Hogan’s office regarding the ‘Maryland Strong: Economic Recovery Initiative.’
Through the ‘Maryland Strong: Economic Recovery Initiative,’ Governor Hogan is doubling the state’s commitment to emergency economic relief to $500 million through a combination of new and existing programs.
$50M: Expansion of Maryland Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Fund
The governor’s initiative will provide a third installment of funding to the Maryland Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Fund, which awards grants of up to $10,000 to businesses of 50 or fewer employees. To date, the program has distributed more than 9,600 grants to small businesses across the state. This additional relief will clear the backlog of eligible applications and bring the program’s total funding to $145 million.
$50M: Direct Relief for Restaurants
The governor’s initiative will provide direct grant relief to qualifying restaurants across the state. Eligible uses of funds include:
  • Working capital, such as rent and purchase of equipment and services to expand outdoor dining through physical improvements including tents, heaters, warmers, and carts
  • Sanitization services
  • Purchase of PPE
  • Technology to support carryout and delivery
  • Infrastructure improvements, including HVAC system upgrades
The funding will be allocated through local jurisdictions and must be distributed no later than December 31, 2020.
$20M: Direct Relief for Main Street
The governor’s initiative will provide $20 million through the Department of Housing and Community Development to assist hard-hit businesses and local entertainment venues within Main Street Maryland organizations as well as the Baltimore Main Streets programs.
$20M: Expansion of COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund
The governor’s initiative expands total funding to $30 million for the state’s COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund, which has helped small businesses with an average of 20 employees stay open and saved nearly 9,000 Maryland jobs. Grantees have used the average award size of $22,738 per business for such things as purchasing remote access equipment and software to promote teleworking, assisting with employee training and education, purchasing cleaning supplies and services to maintain an onsite workforce, and taking advantage of the Maryland Department of Labor’s Work Sharing Unemployment Insurance Program by supplementing employee income.
$5M: Expansion of Small and Minority Business Low-Interest Loans
The governor’s initiative doubles funding to $10 million for low-interest loans to small and minority businesses. Administered through the Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority (MSBDFA), the program provides financing to businesses owned by economically and socially disadvantaged entrepreneurs. MSBDFA uses include working capital, supplies and materials, machinery and equipment acquisition, land acquisition, or real estate improvements.
$3M: Expansion of Arts Organization Funding
The governor’s initiative increases funding to $7 million for the Maryland State Arts Council’s (MSAC) Emergency Grant Program. In response to the COVID-19 State of Emergency, MSAC has created special grant opportunities that provide emergency funding to arts organizations and artists for losses sustained because of programming, operations, and events that have been modified or canceled.
$2M: Hometown Tourism Program
The governor’s initiative provides $2 million for local Destination Marketing Organizations to support hometown tourism efforts that promote local restaurants, attractions, and shops.
$100M: Emergency Rapid Response Fund for Small Businesses
The governor’s initiative sets aside $100 million that can be immediately deployed to areas where there is the greatest need as the pandemic continues to affect various sectors and as state and local governments wait for the federal government to take action on additional stimulus relief.
Governor Larry Hogan recently announced a new $10 million initiative to provide critical support to thousands of Maryland farmers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Program will offer direct assistance to contract poultry growers and a bonus payment to any farm operation that received funding through the first round of the federal Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Watch the announcement.
Direct Support For Contract Poultry Growers. Federal CFAP funding is currently not available to contract poultry growers, which is Maryland’s top agricultural commodity. Under the Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Program, the Maryland Department of Agriculture will issue direct payments of $1,000 per poultry house, up to five houses per farm. Growers whose flocks were depopulated during the pandemic will be eligible for an additional $1,500 per house.
Bonus Payments For Farmers. The new initiative will also offer a 15% bonus payment to any Maryland farmer who received federal funding through the first round of CFAP payments. CFAP provides financial assistance to producers of agricultural commodities who have suffered a 5% or greater price decline, or who had losses due to market supply chain disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The State of Maryland distributed nearly $24 million through the first round of CFAP payments and has distributed more than $16 million in the second round of the program.
For more information, or to apply online for the Maryland Farmer COVID-19 Relief Program, please visit
Important information below from SBDC’s Financial Specialist Team if you or your business as received a PPP loan: 
As a PPP borrower – and with 2020 tax preparation season now in swing – the Maryland SBDC Financial Specialists Team wants to remind you about tax implications related to PPP forgiveness. Although the SBDC does NOT provide tax advice, they wanted to make you aware of a potentially KEY issue. Per IRS Notice 2020-32, expenses paid using FORGIVEN PPP funds are NOT tax-deductible expenses. This means that if your application for forgiveness is APPROVED in 2020, the expenses you paid with those “forgiven” PPP funds WILL NOT be deductible on your 2020 tax return. This could have significant “2020 income tax due” implications when you file the return. If you delay the “Forgiveness” request/get approval until 2021, that would allow time for tax planning related to the 2021 tax filing when those “forgiven” related expenses still cannot be deducted. STEPS TO TAKE: SBDC encourages you to connect ASAP with your tax preparer to consider strategies and options. Certainly, if you have any questions or want additional insights, please feel free to contact your Maryland SBDC Business Consultant, go to the website to get connected with a Consultant and/or refer to our COVID19 Small Business Survival Guide.
Help Us Continue on Our Path to Keep Washington County Open – Please ensure your business and customers continue to follow the recommended CDC guidelines as we reopen businesses and other activities across Washington County. Wearing masks inside, social distancing, regular hand washing, and expanded cleaning is still a critical part of keeping infection rates low. By taking on these minor inconveniences, we can prevent a spike in infections which could force officials to slow down or even reverse the reopening process. The coronavirus has not gone away and we must stay vigilant until a vaccine is created. We all have a responsibility to do our part to help our economy reopen so that our many local businesses can survive and provide jobs for our citizens.
The purpose of this page is to help the public distinguish between rumors and facts regarding the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Rumors can easily circulate within communities during a crisis. Do your part to the stop the spread of disinformation by doing 3 easy things; don’t believe the rumors, don’t pass them along and go to trusted sources of information to get the facts about the state of Maryland’s (COVID-19) response. 
If you are behind on your bills (rent, electric, gas, oil, & water) contact the Community Action Council to determine if you are eligible for assistance!
The funding available is first-come, first-served. Please call 301-797-4161 or email [email protected] for more information.
Get your child vaccinated! WCPS is working in partnership with the Washington County Health Department to vaccinate children of all ages.
The Health Department provides free flu vaccines to WCPS elementary students through a grant. These vaccine clinics are held on separate days. Check out the instructions to register!
The group WC Parents have created a simplified support database to gather and retain all services and needs in one place. This is an excellent example of the community working together to meet the tangible, everyday needs of parents in our community as this school year will begin with distance learning.
If you need childcare or can provide it, if you need tutoring or can provide it, etc., please join this forum and share your resources or needs.
It is up to the community to share your resources and fill this database. The group is asking for the public’s help in:
  • Adding to the forum if you can provide a service or have a need
  • Sharing the forum
Click on the graphic below to join the forum or visit
Looking for information about voting locations, early voting, and dropbox locations in Washington County? Read the 2020 General Election Voter Guide at
For additional information, please contact the Public Relations and Marketing Department at 240-313-2380 or [email protected].

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Liberal Leave is in effective for Washington County Government


Liberal leave is in effect for all non-essential personal on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, until noon. Essential personnel are expected to fulfill their duties as usual.

The starting time for today’s Board of County Commissioners meeting will be reevaluated at 9:00 am.

For those required to travel, exercise caution on the roadways. If driving is necessary, ensure your vehicle is completely cleared, drive at a reduced speed, practice caution, and avoid crowding or passing plows.
We’ll keep the public informed of any changes. Stay updated by monitoring Washington County Government’s website and social media channels for the latest information. Your safety is our priority!