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Planning & Zoning

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The Washington County Planning Commission is pleased to announce the release of the new Comprehensive Plan for the County. This pivotal document aims to develop a community vision for future land use and effective growth management, shaping the future of Washington County.

This is an opportunity to actively participate in the decision-making process that will guide future land use and define the appearance of our community in the coming years.

Visit to access the Comprehensive Plan and sign up to receive email updates about upcoming meetings.

Planning & Zoning​

The Washington County Department of Planning and Zoning

is responsible for establishing and implementing short and long term land use planning goals that help maintain a balanced and diversified land base for our community.  Some of the activities carried out by the department are continual analysis and maintenance of land use and infrastructure planning documents such as the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Forest Conservation Ordinance; contains GIS Mapping Support and Data Services; and administers several Federal, State, and local Land Preservation programs.  In addition, the Department serves as support staff for the Planning Commission. For more information on any of these activities, click on the links to the left.


To inform and guide the Board of County Commissioners in making informed and balanced decisions about preparing for change, managing future growth and protecting our unique environment and cultural resources. This will be accomplished through facilitating the exchange of information and ideas between the Planning Commission, County Commissioners and the citizens of Washington County.


To cultivate a sustainable community of infrastructure and attitude that embraces a common goal of growth management and resource protection resulting in a variety of opportunities for a diverse population to attain each individuals’ needs, goals, prosperity and dreams.

Active Rezoning Cases

Planning & Zoning

747 Northern Ave
Hagerstown, MD 21742

Phone: 240-313-2430
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 240-313-2431

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

TTY users may call any government office through the Maryland Relay Service 1-800-735-2258

Liberal Leave is in effective for Washington County Government


Liberal leave is in effect for all non-essential personal on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, until noon. Essential personnel are expected to fulfill their duties as usual.

The starting time for today’s Board of County Commissioners meeting will be reevaluated at 9:00 am.

For those required to travel, exercise caution on the roadways. If driving is necessary, ensure your vehicle is completely cleared, drive at a reduced speed, practice caution, and avoid crowding or passing plows.
We’ll keep the public informed of any changes. Stay updated by monitoring Washington County Government’s website and social media channels for the latest information. Your safety is our priority!