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COVID-19 Joint Information Center Update: April 3, 2020

JIC Logo
The Washington County, Maryland Joint Information Center (JIC) provides the following update regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the past few weeks, you may have heard officials speaking to medical surge plans, medical surge capacities and medical surge capabilities, but what does that really mean?
Medical surge describes the ability to provide adequate medical evaluation and care during events that exceed the limits of the normal medical infrastructure of an affected community.
For weeks, Meritus Health, public health officials and the Washington County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) have been working on a unified plan to relieve pressure on our local hospital and increase capacity during a potential medical surge in COVID-19 patients who will require hospitalization. While current actions taken by Meritus are sufficient to meet the needs of the community now, the hospital system will need more support if a larger surge were to occur.
The EOC requests the public to continue to follow Governor Hogan’s order to stay home and limit outings to essential needs. “From the beginning of the global coronavirus pandemic, we have been preparing as much possible in Washington County,” said Health Officer Earl Stoner. “Meritus Health has been working to create an internal surge plan and to ramp up their resources, while the EOC continues to actively plan and collaborate with our local, state and federal partners.”
The Washington County Health Department, Meritus Health and the EOC are preparing to care for more patients than Meritus Medical Center could handle at their current capacity should this scenario arise. The call for more beds could include providing resources, logistical support, and state funding to expand capacity. While it’s not possible to predict the exact timing or size of the surge, its severity will be diminished if Washington County, MD strictly adheres to the Governors stay at home order. This is the single most important action that individuals can take to save the lives of your family, friends and fellow citizens.
Governor Hogan has activated the Maryland Responds Medical Reserve Corps, a force of dedicated and trained medical volunteers who are ready to assist in a public health emergency. If you or someone you know is interested in joining, please sign-up by clicking on the graphic below.
Meritus Medical Laboratory at the Meritus Medical Plaza, 13260 Crayton Blvd., has set temporary new hours, 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Meritus Health continues to offer telehealth visits. These visits will allow patients to speak directly with a primary care provider to discuss health concerns.
Telehealth visits are available from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. To request a telehealth visit please complete the form below.
Click on the map to right to access the closest testing site.
Once you have spoken with someone on the COVID-19 care line – 301-790-9170 – or to your physician about your symptoms, you may be directed to Meritus Health’s drive-thru or walk-thru screening center.
  • Drive-thru Center: COVID-19 screening is available behind Meritus Medical Plaza, at 13620 Crayton Blvd. Effective tomorrow, weekend hours at the screen center will now be from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. The drive-thru screening center will remain open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Walk-thru Center: COVID-19 screening is available at 24 N. Walnut St, Hagerstown, MD. The walk-thru screening center is open Monday – Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
To view testing guidelines for COVID-19 at Meritus testing locations, please click here.
The Washington County Health Department staff are working in coordination with the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to help gather and assess information and prepare a surge plan for the county. Many of our staff working at the health department are providing support and assisting with the preparations for the surge plan. This plan will allow the county to have steps in place to take further actions if needed in order to care for an increase of COVID-19 patients.
The Washington County Health Department’s Health Officer, Medical Director, and Emergency Preparedness team are working alongside the County Government, Meritus Health, first responders, law enforcement agencies and the City of Hagerstown, to plan and prepare a county surge plan in preparation of increased COVID-19 cases over the next couple of weeks. In preparing for the county’s surge plan we take into consideration other partners’ infrastructure such as nursing homes, state facilities, and Hagerstown Community College. We assess our and partners’ current assets such as medical supplies, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the medical ambulance bus, hospital tents, and FEMA trailers. The health department staff are also surveying our almost 250 Maryland Responds Medical Reserve Corps volunteers, registered in Washington County, for availability to assist as staffing needs evolve.
Washington County Public Schools (WCPS) is changing how meals will be provided to our community’s children while schools are closed, but visitors at meal sites will still receive five days of food each week.
Beginning Monday, April 6, meals will be served on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Children will receive two meals on Mondays, one meal on Wednesdays, and two meals on Thursdays. One “meal” consists of lunch, a snack, and breakfast for the following day. All food is served in a grab-n-go style to promote social distancing. Meals are provided to any child 18 or younger who is present at the site.
The change in operating schedule provides greater support of Governor Hogan’s order for Marylanders to stay at home while continuing to provide the same level of support for children to access food, which has been a priority of WCPS through the school closure period.
As WCPS prepares for online distance learning on Monday, April 6, the learning community is invited to use identified WiFi hotspots to access learning materials.
WCPS is growing its list of outdoor hotspots at schools. Please note these connections are only available to WCPS students and staff who have valid credentials to access the network. It is recommended that families and students remain in their vehicles to use the hotspots. People who are not in a vehicle are encouraged to maintain social distancing of 20 feet from others.
WCPS is sharing a list of community hotspot locations that Antietam Broadband and Comcast/Xfinity have opened up for free access during the COVID-19 crisis. These sites are offering WiFi free of charge at the discretion of the provider, and the service is subject to change without notice to WCPS.
The information below and links to disaster relief resources, webinars and more can be found on the Chamber website, and the Chamber’s special breakout page
Tuesday, April 7th, 2:00 p.m.
Washington County Chamber of Commerce presents: “Navigating the Coronavirus Business Resources”
Join the Washington County Chamber of Commerce and a panel of experts to help you understand and navigate the programs and resources available to businesses and nonprofits, including Paid Family Leave, Unemployment Insurance, Maryland state resources, CARES Act (loans and resources), and banking resources. FREE and open to members & non-members alike.
Thursday, April 9th, 4:00 p.m.
Washington County Chamber of Commerce presents: “Virtual B.A.S.H.”
Join us Thursday, April 9th at 4pm on (we’ll send you a link to join us, along with access code & password upon registration) for this great opportunity to reconnect with us, your Team Chamber! FREE to register and open to members & non-members alike. BYOB, join us for music, an open chat room and CASH PRIZE GIVEAWAYS (giveaways for Chamber Members only!)
Three $50 Giveaways, One $100 Giveaway! PLUS, we’ll be giving away one year of FREE Chamber membership to one registered non-member! Non-Members, only 25 spaces open for you! Members, be sure to register as space will be limited!
Monday, April 6th, 1:00 p.m.
The SBDC will be doing a webinar to discuss SBA’s Disaster Economic Injury Disaster Loan, and current data on the CARES (PPP) Act, just passed. Please RSVP to this event and make sure that we have a valid email with your registration. Space is limited which is why they are requiring an RSVP- if they get an overwhelming response, they can schedule another webinar and also send out the recorded webinar. After registering you will receive the Zoom Meeting link to click on or dial in for the webinar. If you have specific questions that you would like addressed, please contact John Hickman.
Tuesday, April 7th, 3:00 p.m.
The SBDC will be doing a webinar to discuss SBA’s Disaster Economic Injury Disaster Loan, and current data on the CARES (PPP) Act, just passed. Please RSVP to this event and make sure that we have a valid email with your registration. Space is limited so they are requiring an RSVP- if they get an overwhelming response, they can schedule another webinar and also send out the recorded webinar. After registering you will receive the Zoom Meeting link to click on or dial in for the webinar. If you have specific questions that you would like addressed, please contact John Hickman.
Compliments of the U.S. Chamber and uploaded to the Chamber website are:
Additional Information
The Governor will be signing two bills today further expanding telehealth in the state. From Maryland Matters, “One of the bills Hogan will sign, Senate Bill 502, would expand the mental health services Medicaid provides via telehealth. The bill will allow mental health services to be provided via telehealth at a patient’s home.
The other bill, Senate Bill 402, allows a health care practitioner to establish a relationship with a patient via telehealth.
The Washington County Department of Business Development continues to serve the local business community. To schedule a virtual meeting with a team member, please click the graphic below.
The City has been preparing for the worst of this pandemic from the very beginning and will continue on that same course. The City of Hagerstown is committed to supporting our citizens by functioning in a capacity as close to normal as possible. Citizens can continue to count on the critical safety services provided by our fire and police departments, necessary sanitary services such as trash/recycling collection and street sweeping, essential infrastructure maintenance like road work, and the vital utility services supplied by our water, wastewater, and electric divisions. In such an unreliable and unstable time, the City is dedicated to being that source of reliability and stability that will enable us all to get through this together.
The City reminds parents to heed the signs that have been placed in our parks instructing children not to use playground equipment at this time so as not to spread COVID-19. Equipment was wrapped today with caution tape in order to help ensure compliance. The City of Hagerstown appreciates your cooperation.
Utilities Director Nancy Hausrath shares a message below about how the City’s Water, Wastewater, and Electric divisions continue to work to provide you with those vital services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A Messager from the Director of Utilities
Below is a message from Dr. James Klauber as he provides an encouraging word to students, faculty, and staff.
Message from HCC President | April 3, 2020
Antietam Broadband is making an effort for the community to show their support for Washington County, MD restaurants! Like others across the country, restaurants in our area are struggling right now due to the COVID-19 health crisis. Many jobs are at risk. Find your favorite restaurants by clicking here and support them by ordering carryout, curbside pickup, delivery, or gift cards. You’ll enjoy your meal that much more knowing that you’re helping others to feed their families as well.
Restaurant managers: please email [email protected] for additions, updates, and corrections.
AMS - Local Eats
For additional information, please contact the Public Relations and Marketing Department at 240-313-2380 or [email protected].

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For those required to travel, exercise caution on the roadways. If driving is necessary, ensure your vehicle is completely cleared, drive at a reduced speed, practice caution, and avoid crowding or passing plows.
We’ll keep the public informed of any changes. Stay updated by monitoring Washington County Government’s website and social media channels for the latest information. Your safety is our priority!