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COVID-19 Joint Information Center Update: April 1, 2020

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The Washington County, Maryland Joint Information Center (JIC) provides the following update regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Governor Hogan ordered a Stay-at-Home order earlier this week. Click on the graphic below for a list of essential businesses that remain open for business in Maryland.
Today, the Division of Emergency Services received permission through the Maryland Department of Human Services to pre-position two FEMA trailers in preparation for a possible medical surge that could occur as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Washington County Health Department continues to do contact tracing for all positive COVID-19 cases in the county. Our Communicable Disease Nurses will be contacting anyone who was found to be in contact with a positive case through their investigations.
Our Health Officer, Medical Director, Emergency Preparedness team and Public Information Officer are working tirelessly with the Emergency Operations Center and the Joint Information Center in coordination with other county agencies to plan and respond to the current COVID-19 pandemic
Our building is closed to the public however, essential services that the health department provides to the community are still being continued at this time. Many of our staff our teleworking as per the Governor’s orders to reduce staffing in government buildings. For more information on what services are still being continued or have reduced hours please visit our website at or call us at 240-313-3200.
Click on the map to right to access the closest testing site.
Once you have spoken with someone on the COVID-19 care line – 301-790-9170 – or to your physician about your symptoms, you may be directed to Meritus’s drive-thru or walk-thru screening centers.
  • Drive-thru Center: COVID-19 screening is available behind Meritus Medical Plaza, at 13620 Crayton Boulevard. The drive-thru screening center is open Monday – Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Walk-thru Center: COVID-19 screening is available at 24 N. Walnut Street, Hagerstown, MD. The walk-thru screening center is open Monday – Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
To view testing guidelines for COVID-19 at Meritus testing locations, please click here. These have been updated to now include those who are age 60 and older.
Meritus Health continues to offer telehealth visits. These visits will allow patients to speak directly with a primary care provider to discuss health concerns.
Telehealth visits are available from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. To request a telehealth visit please complete the form below.
The most up-to-date screening center criteria for COVID-19 tests, visitor restrictions at the hospital and closings and cancellations of events is available at
Below is a short video from Dr. Matthew Wagner as he speaks on dealing with stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A Message from Dr. Wagner - April 1, 2020
All of this information and much more including links to disaster relief resources, webinars and more can be found on the Chamber website, and the Chamber’s special breakout page
Thursday, April 2nd, 1:00 p.m.
New Financial Resources for Businesses Affected by COVID-19
Join SBDC Counselors as they discuss details about new emergency relief programs from the US Small Business Administration, the Maryland Department of Commerce, and more. This webinar may be conducted again at a later date and/or posted for review at your leisure.
Thursday, April 2nd, 1:00 p.m.
Understanding the CARES Act and Partnering with Local Banks
Presenters: Stephen McAllister, Executive Director, Eastern Region, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Kathleen Murphy, President and CEO of the Maryland Bankers Association. Stephen McAllister of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Kathleen Murphy of the Maryland Bankers Association will provide an overview of the CARES Act, review financial options and available resources from the SBA, and discuss how to partner with banks to receive needed funds.
Thursday, April 2nd, 2:00 p.m.
Employment Issues in the Face of COVID-19
Speakers: Stephanie K. Baron, Suzzanne W. Decker, Kirsten M. Eriksson, Kraig B. Long
Employers of all sizes are scrambling to address a host of employee-related issues created by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the implementation of the paid leave requirements of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and the ever-changing need for employee work hours in light of business closures. Over the past week alone, the Department of Labor has issued multiple versions of guidance, frequently asked questions and mandatory postings related to the FFCRA. In addition, the recent passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act—or CARES Act—further complicates matters by providing certain enhanced unemployment benefits and incentives for small businesses to retain employees. Please join our Miles & Stockbridge Labor & Employment principals Stephanie Baron, Suzzanne Decker, Kirsten Eriksson and Kraig Long as they provide insight and analysis on fast-breaking developments regarding emergency paid sick leave, FMLA expansion, unemployment benefits and much more. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve on the influx of labor and employment issues spinning out of this unprecedented moment in time. Space is limited!
Friday, April 3rd, 11:00 a.m.
Economic Resources Available from the State of Maryland
Presenters: Representatives from the Maryland Department of Commerce and from the Maryland Department of Labor
Representatives from both the Maryland Department of Commerce and the Maryland Department of Labor will provide an overview of the state’s COVID-19 business relief programs, information and updates on applying for unemployment insurance, as well as existing programs and resources, as listed on the “Maryland Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Business” webpage.
Attention Employers:
  • Families First Coronavirus Response Act – The poster (found must be posted at your place of business (if accessible) or emailed to teleworking employees by today, Wednesday, April 1, 2020.
  • Restaurant Employee Relief Fund – Guy Fieri and the National Restaurant Association Has Launched Relief Fund to Give $500 Checks to Restaurant Workers Affected by Coronavirus.  Here’s how it works: Restaurant workers can apply for a grant paid for by the NRAEF fund starting Thursday, April 2, and will receive a one-time $500 check within three weeks to use toward housing, medical bills, student loans, groceries, and other expenses. The NRAEF stipulated that these grants would be administered on a “first-come, first-serve basis.” To apply or to donate visit: CLICK HERE 
  • The U.S. Treasury just posted to their website some additional clarity for borrowers as well as lenders around the CARES Act and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). This includes an application for the PPP. CLICK HERE –
  • One of the bigger questions in relation to the CARES Act programs is whether or not you need to file a new Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Application in order to be eligible for the $10,000 forgivable loan advance. The answer is that you need to file a new application and your two applications will then be merged. Please see the message below from the SBA. It was in my first update also, but the link to the new and improved SBA EIDL portal is here:
The Governor’s Executive Order includes a stay-at-home directive. This is not a shelter-in-place order since essential businesses, including compliant restaurants, may remain open. The general exceptions to the stay-at-home order are for traveling to and from your essential business or retrieving food or medicine. If you will be traveling in accordance with the Governor’s order, it is recommended that employers draft and print their own letters, on letterhead, containing:
  • The name and address of the employee
  • The name and address of the business
  • The nature of the employee’s work
  • Reasons why the employee’s work fits the definition of essential
  • The signature and contact info of the employer
The MD DLLR Layoff Aversion Grant program is no longer taking applications at this time. The department is processing the applications they received and if funds remain, they will accept more.
Please pay attention to the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program, which is a modified SBA 7a loan with relaxed application requirements. This loan is also at least partially forgivable; eligible business expenses for two months after the loan-closing may be forgiven. The administration of this program will happen through SBA-approved lenders (local banks). It is important to note that not all banks are SBA-approved but that could change quickly. The program is also supposed to go live on Friday, although there are already rumors of a delay for the rollout. Businesses should start speaking with their bank about this program. There is a lot of guidance on this program on the internet, but the following link is also helpful: CLICK HERE
Due to the restrictions enacted by the State of Maryland, Washington County Division of Construction will be further modifying inspection services. With regard to the health and safety of our citizens, employees, customers, and contractors, the Division of Construction will continue to provide inspection services utilizing the following modified plan:
  • Inspection requests will continue to be accepted by utilizing Accela Citizen Access at, telephone Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) at 240-313-2488, and by contacting the office at 240-313-2460- press 1 to schedule an inspection or press 4 to leave a voice message. The appropriate staff member will return your call at their earliest convenience.
  • Residential and Commercial interior alteration inspections of existing occupied residential dwelling units and occupied commercial units/tenant spaces will be suspended until further notice. Inspections for utility connections (water, sewer, gas, and electric) of existing structures will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Livability inspections will be suspended at this time.
  • Service request inspections will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Inspections of health care facilities, such as nursing homes and hospitals, will be suspended until further notice unless added measures are taken by the facility to ensure the safety of County employees and approved by the Division Director or designee.
  • Live video inspections, contractor certification and documentation (including video or photographs), alternative inspections, and/or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be considered by the Division Director or designee.
The modified inspection services are effective immediately and will remain in effect until further notice.
Transit will now be closed on Friday, April 10, 2020. Services will return to operation on Monday, April 13, 2020.
Due to the restrictions enacted by the State of Maryland, the Washington County Department of Business Development and the Maryland Farm Bureau would like to share two documents for farm workers and farm contractors. These documents were prepared by the University of Maryland Ag Law Initiative and will allow farmers that provide essential services to continue working and transporting goods. The links below will take you directly to the permits needed for your employees and contractors.
Teachers will be completing grades for the third marking period on Friday, April 3. If your child was assigned work in advance of March 13, 2020, teachers may be reaching out to have the assignment submitted for third marking period grades.
If work is not able to be submitted by this Friday, student grades may be marked incomplete. This will not be a permanent grade. Updated grades will be posted in ParentVUE/StudentVUE.
There will be opportunities for students to share completed work in the days ahead for grading.
Middle and high school grades will be posted to ParentVUE/StudentVUE on April 10.
Elementary school grades will be posted to ParentVUE/StudentVUE on April 13.
The Washington County Commission on Aging is asking for some critical items for the Meals on Wheels program as soon as possible. They are seeking assistance in collecting items for shelf-stable meals and are in desperate need of donations for their program recipients. The following items are examples of what they are looking for:
  • Canned foods (soups, fruits, etc.)
  • Non-perishables (peanut butter, cereal bars, oatmeal, cereal, shelf-stable milk, juice boxes, etc.)
  • Cleaning products
  • Toiletries
ANYTHING will help at this time. Just to give the community an idea, they need 3000 cans of soup for their next distribution and they have less than 600 for their next delivery which is April 6th.
YOU CAN HELP! In response to the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), United Way of Washington County, Maryland (UWWC) & the Community Foundation of Washington County have established a COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund to support Washington County community-based organizations. In the weeks and months ahead, the COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund will provide additional capacity to community-based organizations in Washington County. This fund will deliver economic assistance and access to vital food and basic need supplies to the many children, families and households who already have and will be impacted by the temporary loss of income. UWWC’s Emergency Assistance Fund may also be deployed to strengthen our community’s ability to prepare for and respond to a variety of health and other emergencies, as well as to support programs and initiatives that are focused on fighting for the health, education, basic needs and financial stability of our community. Donations made to the COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund will support efforts to provide relief to people impacted by coronavirus and its effect on our community.
To donate to the COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund, click here.
You can also text: CovidWashCo to 313131.
For additional information, please contact the Public Relations and Marketing Department at 240-313-2380 or [email protected].

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Liberal Leave is in effective for Washington County Government


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The starting time for today’s Board of County Commissioners meeting will be reevaluated at 9:00 am.

For those required to travel, exercise caution on the roadways. If driving is necessary, ensure your vehicle is completely cleared, drive at a reduced speed, practice caution, and avoid crowding or passing plows.
We’ll keep the public informed of any changes. Stay updated by monitoring Washington County Government’s website and social media channels for the latest information. Your safety is our priority!