Tuesday, April 7th, 2:00 p.m.
Washington County Chamber of Commerce presents: “Navigating the Coronavirus Business Resources”
Join the Washington County Chamber of Commerce and a panel of experts to help you understand and navigate the programs and resources available to businesses and nonprofits, including Paid Family Leave, Unemployment Insurance, Maryland state resources, CARES Act (loans and resources), and banking resources. FREE and open to members & non-members alike.
Thursday, April 9th, 4:00 p.m.
Washington County Chamber of Commerce presents: “Virtual B.A.S.H.”
Join us Thursday, April 9th at 4pm on
zoom.us (we’ll send you a link to join us, along with access code & password upon registration) for this great opportunity to reconnect with us, your Team Chamber! FREE to register and open to members & non-members alike. BYOB, join us for music, an open chat room and CASH PRIZE GIVEAWAYS (giveaways for Chamber Members only!)
Three $50 Giveaways, One $100 Giveaway! PLUS, we’ll be giving away one year of FREE Chamber membership to one registered non-member! Non-Members, only 25 spaces open for you! Members, be sure to register as space will be limited!
Monday, April 6th, 1:00 p.m.
The SBDC will be doing a webinar to discuss SBA’s Disaster Economic Injury Disaster Loan, and current data on the CARES (PPP) Act, just passed. Please RSVP to this event and make sure that we have a valid email with your registration. Space is limited which is why they are requiring an RSVP- if they get an overwhelming response, they can schedule another webinar and also send out the recorded webinar. After registering you will receive the Zoom Meeting link to click on or dial in for the webinar. If you have specific questions that you would like addressed, please contact
John Hickman.
Tuesday, April 7th, 3:00 p.m.
The SBDC will be doing a webinar to discuss SBA’s Disaster Economic Injury Disaster Loan, and current data on the CARES (PPP) Act, just passed. Please RSVP to this event and make sure that we have a valid email with your registration. Space is limited so they are requiring an RSVP- if they get an overwhelming response, they can schedule another webinar and also send out the recorded webinar. After registering you will receive the Zoom Meeting link to click on or dial in for the webinar. If you have specific questions that you would like addressed, please contact
John Hickman.
Compliments of the U.S. Chamber and uploaded to the Chamber website are:
Additional Information
The Governor will be signing two bills today further expanding telehealth in the state. From
Maryland Matters, “One of the bills Hogan will sign,
Senate Bill 502, would expand the mental health services Medicaid provides via telehealth. The bill will allow mental health services to be provided via telehealth at a patient’s home.
The other bill,
Senate Bill 402, allows a health care practitioner to establish a relationship with a patient via telehealth.