Washington County > Treasurer’s Office > Property Tax Payment Info
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Property Tax Payment Dates
Payments for annual bills and the first installment for semiannual bills must be received on or before September 30th to avoid penalties and interest. The second semi-annual installment payment must be received on or before December 31st to avoid penalties and interest.
All taxpayers living in their principal residence pay their real estate property tax bills on a semi-annual schedule unless they choose to make both payments on or before September 30 of each year. Homeowners who escrow their tax payments may choose to pay annually, but must notify their lenders by May 1st of their intent to pay annually.
Homeowners who do not escrow taxes with a lender will receive a tax bill that will permit them to pay on either a semi-annual or annual basis. Semi-annual bills include two payment coupons, while annual bills include only one coupon. Payments on partial year levies (half year new construction assessments) are due 30 days after the bill is mailed.
Certain personal property taxes, taxes on residential rental units and taxes on commercial real property are not eligible for payment on a semi-annual basis.
How to Pay Taxes
Taxpayers have many options for paying their property taxes as follows:
- Pay by mail with a check or money order payable to Washington County Treasurer and mailed to:
- Washington County Treasurer’s Office
- 35 West Washington Street, Suite 102
- Hagerstown, MD 21740-4868
- Pay in person at the Washington County Treasurer’s Office, located at 35 West Washington Street, Suite 102, Hagerstown, MD 21740-4868. Payment in person may be made by cash, check, money order, or credit/debit card only (convenience fee will apply to credit/debit card transactions).
- Taxpayers can arrange to have their taxes paid by their mortgage company from an escrow account.
- Pay by telephone using a credit/debit card by calling (240)-313-2110 (a convenience fee will apply).
- Pay online using a credit/debit card at www.washco-md.net (a convenience fee will apply).
Delinquent Property Taxes
Delinquent taxes are subject to interest and penalties at the rate of 1% per month until paid in full. Interest and penalties are calculated on the net amount of the bill, after any credits are applied. Delinquent taxes, including unpaid penalty and interest charges, will result in the sale of the property tax lien through a tax sale public auction process which is generally conducted in the month of June of the subsequent calendar year.
A tax sale will also occur if the taxpayer owes an amount equal to the interest and penalty, even if the amount of the tax bill has been paid. Accounts eligible for tax sale are listed for four consecutive weeks in a Washington County newspaper and are subject to an advertising fee. Property tax accounts taken to tax sale may be subject to additional legal costs incurred by the new certificate holder.
Treasurer's Office
Washington County Office Building
35 West Washington Street, Suite 102
Hagerstown, Md. 21740-4868
Phone: 240-313-2110
Fax: 240-313-2111
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday, 7:30am – 4:00pm
Friday, 7:30am – 3:00pm
TTY users may call any government office through the Maryland Relay Service 1-800-735-2258