Washington County > Planning & Zoning Department > Historic District Commission > Demolition
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Washington County strongly encourages the retention and preservation of historic buildings, structures, sites and objects.
It is currently a civil offense cited under the building code at a minimum of $100/day for any demolition of historic structures in part or in whole, which occurs without a permit.
- Demolition Alternatives

Demolition Alternatives
- Redesigning the project to avoid any impact to the structure or its setting;
- Incorporating the structure into the overall design of the project;
- Converting the structure into another use (adaptive reuse);
- Relocating the structure on the property;
- Relocating the structure to another property
Please contact the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to applying for a demolition permit to discuss these options for your specific project:
- Demolition Mitigation
Demolition Mitigation
- Salvaging from the structure, historically significant architectural features and building materials;
- Documenting the structure as a whole and its individual architectural features in photographs, drawings and/or text.
See the Design Guidelines for Historic Structures – Demolition

- Ordinary Maintenance
Ordinary Maintenance of all structures, historic or otherwise, is strongly encouraged as it can prevent or correct deterioration, decay or damage to a structure. Routine maintenance of buildings in the Historic Preservation Zone, Rural Villages or properties listed on the Washington County Historic Survey do not require review or approval by the Historic District Commission. If a building permit is required for the work being completed, Historic District Commission review may apply if that work is in relation to the exterior of the building.
If the historic building or structure is in need of exterior work in excess of Ordinary Maintenance, Tax Credits may be able to offset costs. For more information on Historic Tax Credits please contact the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to applying for permits to discuss these options for your specific project. 240-313-2430 or Email.
To Learn More About Tax Credits visit our Tax Credit information page.
- Maintaining Your Historic Home: A Practical Guide for Homeowners published by Delaware County Planning Department, Media, Pennsylvania, may assist homeowners of historic properties in planning for a historic homes maintenance. Please read applicable disclaimers within the document.
- Design Guidelines for Historic Structures

- Demolition by Neglect
National Trust for Historic Preservation: Six Practical Reasons to Save Old Buildings
- Old buildings have intrinsic value.
- When you tear down an old building, you never know what’s being destroyed.
- New businesses prefer old buildings.
- Old buildings attract people.
- Old buildings are a reminder of a city’s culture and complexity.
- Regret goes only one way.
To read the full story from the National Trust Click Here.
The National Trust also lists some key components to protecting your historic property:
- Documentation – Document both physical and personal property, photograph the property, keep copies of receipts, know current replacement costs on historic items, store documentation in both physical and digital form.
- Building Maintenance – Electrical systems, plumbing systems, roof systems, HVAC and infrared thermography
- Risk Transfer – Ensure you have adequate coverage, research contractors, etc.
To read the full story from the National Trust Click Here.
Need your property documented or want to update exiting documentation?
Please contact the Department of Planning and Zoning to discuss options for documenting your property. 240-313-2430 or Email.
You can also nominate your own property by following the guidance of the Maryland Historic Trust.

Planning & Zoning
747 Northern Ave
Hagerstown, MD 21742
Phone: 240-313-2430
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 240-313-2431
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
TTY users may call any government office through the Maryland Relay Service 1-800-735-2258