Washington County > Parks & Facilities > County Parks > Pleasant Valley Park
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Pleasant Valley Park
3199 Gapland Road
Rohrersville, MD 21779
Park Amenities:
- Picnic Pavilion
- Modular Playground Equipment
- Restrooms
- Picnic Tables
- Grills
- Multipurpose Field
- Tennis/Half Basketball Court
- Sand Volleyball Court
- Butterfly Way Station
- Parking
The official park season begins the first Saturday in May and ends the last Sunday in October.
Park hours are from 9:00 AM until sunset.
Walk-in access is permitted year-round.
Pavilion reservations and park information may be obtained by contacting the Washington County Parks Department at 240-313-2700.
Ball Field Rentals
For ball field rentals, please contact the Washington County Parks Department at 240-313-2700.
Fields are rented by the hour or can be booked for weekend tournament use.
Pleasant Valley Park Gallery

Pleasant Valley Park
3199 Gapland Road
Rohrersville, MD 21779