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COVID-19 Joint Information Center Update: May 13, 2020

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The Washington County, Maryland Joint Information Center (JIC) provides the following update regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
TOGETHER WE RISE. As we begin to prepare for a safe reopening, the County joins together under one common goal – a safe and healthy reopening. The reopening process will be gradual, as we take into consideration those most vulnerable in our communities. Now, more than ever, we will need the support of one another as we regain our traction. From businesses and nonprofits to educational and religious institutions, everyone has been significantly impacted by COVID-19. The time we are living in will be talked about in history books, and we have the opportunity to band together now to shape our future.
The County has established a plan for reopening and will move forward under the direction of the State of Maryland at the appropriate time. If a regionalized approach is considered, the County will release a plan that is safe for our citizens.
A Back-to-Business Toolkit has been established to assist the local business community with planning for the reopening. This toolkit will serve as a guide to business owners as we begin to move forward with the ‘new normal.’ Please click here or on the photo below to download the toolkit.
Stay informed on the recovery and reopening of Washington County, MD by visiting our new website.
To help navigate these new waters, the Washington County Emergency Operations Center has established several response teams to assist in communication efforts across different groups and organizations in the County. Those response teams include: Economic Recovery, Community Planning, and Health and Social Services. During the upcoming weeks, these different response teams will be hosting webinars and listening sessions to help our community make it through the days ahead.
The first webinar on Economic Recovery will be held on Friday, May 15, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Business owners are invited to a Town Hall Webinar on the Reopening of Washington County. Government officials, business representatives, and local Health officials will be on hand to:
  • Provide a brief overview of the reopening process for Washington County
  • Share the health data that we will be tracking to keep our county in a safe condition
  • Let businesses know where to find the latest information and resources to help you reopen safely and successfully
  • Answer questions and learn what information, resources, or relief programs you need be successful
To Register Click Here or on the tickets button below. (If you cannot make the meeting, register and we can provide you with a recorded version to watch at a later time)
Fri, May 15, 2020 11:00 AM EST
Together We Rise Webinar: Business Town Hall on Recovery & Reopening
Contact tracing is an important public health tool used to stop the spread of diseases. Public health workers use this tool to identify the contacts of a person infected with COVID-19 in order to stop chains of transmission. Washington County Health Department’s dedicated employees are focusing on interviewing COVID-19 positive patients and quickly locating all persons who were in contact with the patients.
This process starts when the health department is notified of a positive case, each positive cases is then contacted by one of our employees. Through our conversations with each person our contact tracers then create a list of places and persons the positive COVID-19 person came into contact with starting 48 hours before illness onset until the time they were isolated. Contacts are placed into two categories household contacts and causal contacts. Our contact tracers do not ask for social security number, credit card or immigration status. We then contact each and every person who might have been exposed and follow up with them through their isolation. During this time we provide education, information and support to understand their risk, how to monitor themselves for illness, how to self-isolate, and the possibility that they could spread the infection to others even if they do not feel sick. In order to protect patient privacy, contacts are only informed that they may been exposed to a patient with COVID-19. They are not told the identity of the patient who may have exposed them.
By staying safe at home and maintaining social distancing measures, you can help lessen the extensive amount of work are contact tracers are preforming. When a positive COVID-19 person only comes in close contact to those who live in their own homes, it considerably shortens the list of people our nurses have to contact and effectively helps stop the chain of transmission.
Click on the map to right to access the closest COVID-19 testing site.
COVID-19 testing is now available to those who do not currently have symptoms of the coronavirus, but suspect or are concerned that they have been exposed. No appointments or referrals are needed to be tested. Testing is now available for all ages. Meritus Health’s screening centers include:
  • Drive-thru Center: COVID-19 screening is available behind Meritus Medical Plaza, at 13620 Crayton Blvd. Hours are Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and weekends from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • Walk-thru Center: COVID-19 screening is available at 24 N. Walnut St, Hagerstown, MD. The walk-thru screening center is open Monday – Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Meritus Health continues to offer FREE telehealth visits. These visits will allow patients to speak directly with a primary care provider to discuss health concerns.
Telehealth visits are available from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. To request a telehealth visit please complete the form below.
Meritus Health is now offering virtual visits to connect patients in the hospital with their families and friends. To setup a virtual visit, please contact the program’s coordinator at 240-313-3163.
Please stay tuned to for the latest information on COVID-19 relief resources, local restaurants that remain open for business, and more!
The Chamber is focusing on ways that we can lead the way with recovery efforts for businesses. When safe to do so, we pledge to follow Maryland’s executive orders while rallying behind re-opening efforts while advocating for guidelines that benefit you during this impending comeback phase.
Upcoming Webinars
Wednesday, May 13th, 12:00 p.m.
Free NFIB Webinar: Small Business and COVID-19: Your Questions Answered Live!
NFIB’s Weekly COVID-19 Briefing hosted by Holly Wade, Director, NFIB Research & Policy Analysis, and Beth Milito, Senior Executive Counsel, will be live Wednesday, May 13th at 12 p.m. This week Holly and Beth will devote the full hour to answering your PPP loan and SBA EIDL, tax, workplace, human resource (HR), and unemployment questions. You can submit your questions live or by emailing us ahead of time at [email protected] with “webinar” in the subject line. Can’t make this Webinar? Don’t worry! Register Now and we’ll email you an on-demand version!
Thursday, May 14th, 10:00 a.m.
Free Maryland Black Chamber of Commerce Webinar
Join this Thursday for a virtual session on Pivot and Reposition for Post COVID-19. Bola and Mack Audena of MBA Growth Partners to rethink, recalibrate, and reenergize your business for the new norm post-COVID-19.
Friday, May 15th, 11:00 a.m.
TOGETHER WE RISE Webinar Series – Economic Recovery
Business owners are invited to a Town Hall Webinar on the Reopening of Washington County. Government officials, business representatives, and local Health officials will be on hand to:
  • Provide a brief overview of the reopening process for Washington County
  • Share the health data that we will be tracking to keep our county in a safe condition
  • Let businesses know where to find the latest information and resources to help you reopen safely and successfully
  • Answer questions and learn what information, resources, or relief programs you need be successful
(If you cannot make the meeting, register and we can provide you with a recorded version to watch at a later time)
Wednesday, May 20th, 2:00 p.m.
Navigating Uncharted Waters During a Period of Hyper-Change Impact on Financial Health and Continuity
This webinar will provide fiscal and financial strategies and guidance for nonprofit leaders and their organizations during this time of uncertainty. When and how you should protect your organization’s assets? How best to position financial resource utilization during a hyper change period until “true” recovery begins.
Attention Employers:
  • Governor Hogan Press Conference – Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 5:00 PM: Governor Hogan to discuss Stage One of the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery.
  • Back to Business Website: Guidelines and best practices for Maryland’s companies reopening in correlation with the COVID-19 outbreak.
The purpose of this page is to help the public distinguish between rumors and facts regarding the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Rumors can easily circulate within communities during a crisis. Do your part to the stop the spread of disinformation by doing 3 easy things; don’t believe the rumors, don’t pass them along and go to trusted sources of information to get the facts about the state of Maryland’s (COVID-19) response.
The Washington County Department of Business Development announces theWashington County Farm Bureau will be distributing free milk to the community on Saturday, May 23, 2020.
The milk distribution will be held in the parking lot adjacent to the Washington County Transit Transfer Center located at 123 Franklin St, Hagerstown, MD. The hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or until 2,100 gallons of milk have been distributed. This new location allows for easier access to those that may reside in Hagerstown, as the distribution point is now within walking distance of downtown.
The Washington County Farm Bureau is taking advanced orders from local nonprofit organizations, food pantries, and any organizations that have the ability to further distribute milk to clients.  Please share this email with any Washington County nonprofits or food pantries that may benefit from this free milk distribution.
Please reply to Leslie Hart ([email protected]) and Matt Schnebly ([email protected]) by this Friday, May 15, 2020 with the information below. The milk will be held for pick up at 123 Franklin Street, Hagerstown, MD.
  • Please provide your organization name
  • Contact person and cell phone
  • Name of person picking up the milk and their cell phone number
  • Total number of gallons your organization would like to pick up
  • Please pick up your milk between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
The Washington County Farm Bureau is dedicated to this community along with the agricultural community and local dairy farms. Your support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to make a monetary donation to the FREE MILK initiative, please contact Matt Schnebly at 717-360-4699. Please direct any questions to Leslie Hart or Matt Schnebly.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security or DHS and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency or CISA continue to see indications of Advanced Persistent Threat or APT groups targeting health care, pharmaceutical, academia and medical research organizations, as well as individuals, using COVID-19 related scams and phishing emails.
Examples of Phishing email subject lines may include:
  • 2020 Coronavirus Updates
  • Coronavirus Updates
  • 2019-nCov: New confirmed cases in your city
  • 2019-nCov: Coronavirus outbreak in your city (Emergency).
These emails contain a call to action, encouraging users to visit a website that malicious cyber actors use for stealing valuable data, such as usernames and passwords, credit card information and other personal information. Be sure your passwords are strong and carefully monitor your email, texts and phone calls during this vulnerable time.
For additional information, please contact the Public Relations and Marketing Department at 240-313-2380 or [email protected].

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Liberal Leave is in effective for Washington County Government


Liberal leave is in effect for all non-essential personal on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, until noon. Essential personnel are expected to fulfill their duties as usual.

The starting time for today’s Board of County Commissioners meeting will be reevaluated at 9:00 am.

For those required to travel, exercise caution on the roadways. If driving is necessary, ensure your vehicle is completely cleared, drive at a reduced speed, practice caution, and avoid crowding or passing plows.
We’ll keep the public informed of any changes. Stay updated by monitoring Washington County Government’s website and social media channels for the latest information. Your safety is our priority!