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COVID-19 Joint Information Center Update: May 1, 2020

JIC Logo
The Washington County, Maryland Joint Information Center (JIC) provides the following update regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the video below, Washington County Health Officer Earl Stoner provides an update on the County’s effort to combat COVID-19.
Washington County Joint Information Center (JIC) Update 4/30/2020
During a press conference earlier this week, Governor Larry Hogan declared Saturday, May 2, 2020 as Health Care Heroes Day. ‬
‪We are asking everyone in Washington County to help light the state up blue! Join us by showing your appreciation for these frontline workers!
There has been a lot of concern regarding congregate living facilities and the safety of those living there and the staff. Given the nature of these facilities and their population, the residents of these facilities are considered at high risk for contracting COVID-19. Since the beginning of this pandemic the Washington County Health Department has been working to monitor, prevent and reduce the spread of COVID-19 in and around long term care facilities and other congregate living facilities.
The Washington County Health Department has appointed a dedicated nurse to each long term care facility in Washington County to act as a point of contact and case manager for the facility. Our nurses receive daily updates and reports on staff and resident illness, COVID-19 testing, staffing storages, and bed availability. In addition to daily contact our nurses facilitate a weekly group call with Long Term Care Facility directors in order to provide guidance, answer questions and concerns, and allow everyone to share best practices. Long term care facilities are also instructed to assess and request needed PPE supplies through the Washington County Emergency Operations Center.
When there is a COVID-19 outbreak (one case, staff or resident) the health department provides guidance in conjunction with the epidemiologists at the Maryland Department of Health (MDH). Our nurses facilitate testing and submission of samples to the MDH lab. Facilities can also request the assistance of state Go Teams through the Health Officer and Emergency Manager. Go Teams provide immediate support and assistance to help protect residents of these facilities.
The federal government now requires nursing homes to disclose positive COVID-19 cases within their facilities to residents, their families and representatives when either residents or staff contract the COVID-19. Under Govern Larry Hogan’s order the Maryland Department of health will now display COVID-19 cases and deaths in congregate living facilities on their website.
Click on the map to right to access the closest COVID-19 testing site.
COVID-19 testing is now available to anyone showing symptoms as designated by the CDC – Fever greater than 100.5 degrees and/or a dry cough, shortness of breath or sore throat. No appointments or referrals are needed to be tested. Testing is now available for all ages.Testing is available for all ages. Meritus Health’s screening centers include:
  • Drive-thru Center: COVID-19 screening is available behind Meritus Medical Plaza, at 13620 Crayton Blvd. Hours are Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and weekends from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • Walk-thru Center: COVID-19 screening is available at 24 N. Walnut St, Hagerstown, MD. The walk-thru screening center is open Monday – Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Meritus Health continues to offer FREE telehealth visits. These visits will allow patients to speak directly with a primary care provider to discuss health concerns.
Telehealth visits are available from 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday. To request a telehealth visit please complete the form below.
Please stay tuned to for the latest information on COVID-19 relief resources, local restaurants that remain open for business, and more!
Upcoming Webinars
Monday, May 4th, 10:30 – 11:30
Town Hall with Sec. Kelly Schulz and Washington County Delegation Members
Hosted by Senator Andrew Serafini and Washington County Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Paul Frey, this GoToMeeting event will address COVID-19 Relief information, an update from the Maryland Department of Commerce, and information (including a Q&A session) on Maryland’s Road to Recovery plan to re-open.
Monday, May 4th, 11:00 a.m.
Workplace Balance – Parenting and Remote Working in a Pandemic –hosted by Baltimore County Chamber
Featuring Christine Michel Carter and Public Speaker and #1 Global Voice for Working Moms
Wednesday, May 6th, 9:00 – 10:00am
COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Business with Sec. Tiffany Robinson, Maryland Department of Labor & Licensing
MEETING LOG-IN: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 8237 1897
Password: 358303
Dial by your location
301 715 8592
Join the Washington County Chamber of Commerce for a virtual meeting with Maryland’s Secretary of Labor, Ms. Tiffany Robinson. Secretary Robinson will give an update on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on our businesses and their labor forces, as well as update us on the unemployment insurance application and payment process.
Wednesday, May 6th, 11:00 a.m.
AAFB & Planit Present: The New Normal? – Communicating in the Age of COVID-19
What: When COVID-19 hit the United States, brands scrambled to respond.While some brands are still scrambling, after nearly two months of quarantine, many are also asking what’s next.How do we continue to respond? Or should we stop responding? When do we return to regularly scheduled communication plans?Join AAF Baltimore and Planit for a webinar discussing the current media landscape, messages consumers want to hear, crisis communications strategies to implement right now and more.
Friday, May 8th, 11:00 – 11:45 a.m.
Free Webinar: “Cleaning For The Restart – How To Reopen And Be Safe” hosted by WEISS BROS.
REGISTER HERE – Login information will be sent Friday morning to login.
Join ISSA Certified Trainer Steve Johnson for a free webinar to discuss the following tips around cleaning:
  • CDC Guidelines
  • Touch Points
  • Dwell Time
  • 2 Step Cleaning Process
  • Cleaning Schedule
  • Cleaning vs Disinfecting vs Sanitizing
  • Tools to Use
  • Electrostatic Sprayers
  • Supplies – Availability and Providing to Others
  • And More
Attention Employers:
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
What 1099 Earners Need to Know About Federal Coronavirus Aid
Recently passed laws provide financial assistance to small businesses impacted by COVID-19, including ways to help independent contractors and self-employed individuals. Read More Here.
New BEACON One-Stop Video Tutorials
The Maryland Department of Labor’s Division of Unemployment Insurance has posted four new tutorial videos on our website, social media pages, and YouTube to help Marylanders navigate the new BEACON One-Stop. All four videos can be found directly on our homepage at
The first tutorial video provides instructions for activating and logging into your account. To watch this video please visit
The second tutorial video will walk Marylanders through applying for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) CARES Act program. Those who are self-employed, independent contractors, sole proprietors, gig economy workers, have insufficient work history, or believe they are eligible for the PUA program, can submit their applications online and receive their benefits retroactive to their earliest date of eligibility. To watch the video, visit
The third tutorial video will walk Marylanders through applying for the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) CARES Act program. Those who have recently exhausted their benefits can apply for an additional 13 weeks of benefits through this new application. New claimants and those who are currently receiving benefits will automatically receive an additional 13 weeks of benefits. To watch the video, visit
The fourth tutorial video will walk Marylanders through filing their weekly claim certification. To watch the video, visit
SDAT Announced that you can now fix many of the reasons why your business may not be ‘In Good Standing’ with the State of Maryland using their online services. This status is important when applying for State and Federal grants. To learn more, go to:
The Rural Maryland Council will conduct two virtual information sessions to review program guidelines and criteria for the Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Fund (MAERDAF) and the Rural Maryland Prosperity Investment Fund (RMPIF) for FY2021 as well as answer questions from participants.
Webinar Dates:
Tuesday, May 5  2:00pm to 3:00pm
Friday, May 8th 10:00 to 11:00am
Log-in information can be found on the Council’s website at Individual appointments will also be available during the week of May 11, 2020. Please contact the RMC office at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
The purpose of this page is to help the public distinguish between rumors and facts regarding the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Rumors can easily circulate within communities during a crisis. Do your part to the stop the spread of disinformation by doing 3 easy things; don’t believe the rumors, don’t pass them along and go to trusted sources of information to get the facts about the state of Maryland’s (COVID-19) response.
Commission on Aging is in need of food (non-perishable items and canned foods) and/or monetary donations. Donations can be dropped off at:
535 East Franklin Street, Hagerstown, MD (place items in donation bin)
For more information, call 301-790-0275 or to make a monetary contribution, visit
The Washington County Farm Bureau is partnering with Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers Cooperative on Giving Tuesday to provide a semi-truck and trailer load of fresh milk from Washington County dairy producers to those in our community who need it most. This event will take place on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. in the Valley Mall Parking Lot located outside of JCPenny. Approximately 2,100 gallons of free milk will be distributed, with each vehicle receiving one free gallon of milk.
People are asked to remain in the their vehicle, as a car line will be formed to receive their free gallon of milk. President Matt Schnebly will be on hand along with the local Farm Bureau Board of directors and members to assist with distribution.
Washington County is feeling the impact of the nation’s disrupted food distribution and the Washington County Farm Bureau is honored to provide free milk on Giving Tuesday. For more information, please contact the Washington County Farm Bureau email at [email protected].
United Way of Washington County will be participating in a county-wide food drive and fundraiser to feed families across Washington County during the novel coronavirus pandemic.
The drive will be from 7:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 5 at Valley Mall. Donations of non-perishable, shelf-stable foods and toiletries and/or monetary donations are both welcomed! Stay Tuned for more details!
For additional information, please contact the Public Relations and Marketing Department at 240-313-2380 or [email protected].

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Liberal Leave is in effective for Washington County Government


Liberal leave is in effect for all non-essential personal on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, until noon. Essential personnel are expected to fulfill their duties as usual.

The starting time for today’s Board of County Commissioners meeting will be reevaluated at 9:00 am.

For those required to travel, exercise caution on the roadways. If driving is necessary, ensure your vehicle is completely cleared, drive at a reduced speed, practice caution, and avoid crowding or passing plows.
We’ll keep the public informed of any changes. Stay updated by monitoring Washington County Government’s website and social media channels for the latest information. Your safety is our priority!