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Community Organization Funding
Funding cycle has closed. We are not currently accepting applications for Community Organization Funding. The next application will be available in Fall 2025.
- FY26 Notice of Funding Letter
- FY26 Community Organization Funding Application
- FY26 Budget Narrative Worksheet
- FY26 Application Guidelines and Requirements
- FY26 Submittal Check List
- W9
- COF Grant Report Template (to view be able to this document, please save it to your desktop first)
- 1-108 Application Checklist
The Community Organization Funding program is eligible to organizations that are included on the Board of County Commissioners “Recognized Non-Profit List” (Section 1-108 of the Code of Public Local laws) as established by the Board of County Commissioners. For information on how to make application for your organization to be included on this list please refer to the 1-108 List Application Check List, or contact the County Attorney’s Office at countyattorneyoffice@washco-md.net and kjacobson@washco-md.net. Once your organization has been added to the 1-108 list, please contact the Office of Grant Management at 240-313-2040 for any questions regarding funding.
A Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) will be sent out annually each Fall to all organizations on the Recognized Non-profit List. The NOFA will instruct applicants on the procedures to seek funding and the opening and closing application dates for the process. Funding applications will not be accepted outside of these published dates.
Washington County Community Organization Funding (COF) was established to provide financial support to charitable organizations within Washington County that provide services which improve the community and quality of life for Washington County citizens. Each year during the budgeting process, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will determine the allocation to be set a side for the Community Organization Fund. The Office of Grant Management is responsible for the development and implementation of the Community Organization Funding including administration and oversight of the application, award process and management of grantees.
COF was developed to implement a prioritized approach to funding local non-profits based upon addressing the specific needs in the community. In addition, the fund and its procedures were developed to ensure higher accountability programmatically and fiscally. Emphasis is on efficient use of funds and achieving results-based programmatic outcomes which positively impact the community.
The Community Organization Funding application packet is composed of the documents below. Each of these documents is in PDF format for which you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Click here to download a free, up-to-date version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Please carefully read the instructions. The application must be saved to your computer before you begin to complete the form. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the information you’ve entered.
Fiscal Year 2025 Meeting Schedule
In-person meetings are held at 100 W. Washington Street, 2nd Floor Workshop Room 2001. The Office of Grant Management may elect to hold meetings virtually if deemed necessary. Call-in numbers for virtual meetings will be provided by request by calling 240-313-2040.
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To receive copies of agendas and minutes email mkramer@washco-md.net
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100 West Washington Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Suite 1601
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Phone: (240) 313-2040
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