Washington County > Environmental Management > No Mow Zone
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Stormwater & Watershed Services Menu
No Mow Zones
No mowing zones are beneficial for a number of reasons:
- Returns areas back to their natural state
- Allows for the opportunity of reforestation
- Provides flowers for pollinators
- Provides habitats for insects, birds, and other animals
- Slows storm runoff, reduces erosion, and reduces pollution
- Reduce energy and fossil fuel use and cuts CO2 emissions
Keep an eye our for our No Mow Zone signs across the county.

Environmental Management
16232 Elliott Parkway
Williamsport, MD 21795
Phone: (240) 313-2600
Fax: (240) 313-2601
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30am to 4:00pm
TTY users may call any government office through the Maryland Relay Service 1-800-735-2258