Tiger’s Eye Benefits Consulting
About Us
Professional service provider to employers maintaining 401(k), pension and profit sharing plans for their employees.
Established in WashCo: 1994
Tel: 301-733-4669
Fax: 301-733-5863
Website: http://www.TigersEyeBenefits.com
147 West Washington Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Employment data
P/T Employees: 2
F/T Employees: 9

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Street Parking
Tiger's Eye Benefits Consulting is a provider of professional administrative and consulting services to businesses maintaining qualified retirements plans for their employees. We are a specialty practice with highly trained and qualified employees having over 135 years of combined working experience. We provide a "high touch" service model to our clients, and pride ourselves in being responsive to our client's questions and needs.