Peaceable Pastures, LLC
About Us
Family-friendly horse boarding; low-drama barn - indoor and outdoor arenas, trails on our 80 acres.
Established in WashCo: 2004
Tel: 301-582-9420
Website: https://www.PeaceablePaws.com
17816 Spielman Rd.
Fairplay, MD 21733
Employment data
P/T Employees: 0
F/T Employees: 2
F/T Union Employees: 0
P/T Union Employees: 0
Union Affiliation: 0

More about Peaceable Pastures, LLC...
Bike Parking
Dog Friendly
Modern barn with 12x12 stalls and attached indoor arena. Horses are in small groups in lush pastures 24/7 except for bad weather - in assigned stalls for rain, snow, mud, too cold, too hot (under fans), or medical needs. Force-free training and handling methods only. Senior equine care our specialty, but we take all kinds. All care provided by lifetime animal care professionals, someone on property near 24/7.