DVF Corporation
About Us
We are a Design and Build firm mainly supporting Industrial clients. We support Factory Improvements and Automation project and provide contract manufacturing services.
Established in WashCo: 1994
Tel: 301-416-7497
Website: http://dvfcorp.com
9455 Earley Drive
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Employment data
P/T Employees: 3
F/T Employees: 6
F/T Union Employees: 0
P/T Union Employees: 0
Union Affiliation: N.A.
- Supports Maryland's Ex-Offenders
- Employs persons with developmental disabilities

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Accepts Credit Cards
The DVF Corporation is an engineering and manufacturing company dedicated to problem-solving. DVF has provided technical and fabrication solutions to industrial and Department of Defense clients for more than thirty years. Their capabilities include engineering studies, prototyping, light production and custom manufactured solutions. The company is located in Hagerstown, MD and specializes in robotics, automation and manufacturing solutions to support their client base.