Cloverly Hill, LLC
About Us
Developer of a mixed-use, intergenerational community in Smithsburg, MD.
Established in WashCo: 2004
Tel: 301-682-9015
Fax: 301-682-9016
Website: http://CloverlyLiving.com/
P.O. Box 766
Smithsburg, MD 21783
Employment data
P/T Employees: 0
F/T Employees: 4
F/T Union Employees: 0
P/T Union Employees: 0
- Woman-owned / Operated

More about Cloverly Hill, LLC...
Bike Parking
Dog Friendly
Parking Lot
Cloverly Hill, LLC intends to create a mixed-use, intergenerational community named Cloverly. Cloverly proposes to have single family homes, townhomes, Active Adult Cottages, duplexes and suites, and assisted living suites including Memory Care. Cloverly proposes to include a learning center and child day care center, a neighborhood and community center with meeting and social function rooms and common work suites.