Washington County > Department of Business and Economic Development > Agriculture
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Agriculture in WashCo
Washington County agriculture has undergone the same substantial changes that have impacted the nation’s agriculture the last 50 years. Technology, development, production enhancements, costs, regulations and growth are just some of the factors that have changed the fabric of agriculture.
Understanding agriculture’s importance and significance to Washington County is the first step in realizing you cannot survive without agriculture in any of its many forms.
Washington County offers a variety of farm experiences, something any family member will enjoy. We have:
- 877 farms
- 119,248 acres of farmland
- 136 acres average per farm
- 458 square miles of farmland
- $153,725,000 Total market value of agricultural products sold
- 7,202 beef cows
- 13,023 Milk cows
- 2,191 Hogs and pigs
- 3,775 sheep and lambs
- 3,654 broilers and chickens
- 992 horses, ponies and donkeys
- 16,653 acres dedicated to growing 2915481 bushels of corn
- 6,816 acres dedicated to growing 517684 bushels of wheat
- 18,978 acres dedicated to growing 1039837 bushels of soybeans
- 505 acres dedicated to growing vegetables
- 54.5 is the average age of farmers in Washington County
Agriculture News
Faces of Farming

Find a Farmers Market / Farm Stand

Farm of the Year & Awards
- Farm of the Year
- Dairy of Distinction
- Preservation and Conservation Awards
- Young Farms
- Farm Bureau Recognition
- Agriculture Royalty

Agriculture Statistics in Washington County
In Maryland, Washington County is ranked 1st in:
- Production in fruits and berries
- Inventory of cattle and calves
- Inventory of milk cows
- Dairy Farms
- Inventory of sheep and goats
Other Stats
- 69% of Washington county farms have internet access
- 10% of Washington County farms sell directly to consumers
- 97% of Washington county farms are family owned

Agritourism Mobile Application

For a complete list of all farms, craft beverages, and products download the Washington County AgriTourism mobile application.

Washington County Department of Business Development
100 West Washington Street, Suite 1401
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Kelsey Keadle
[email protected]
Phone: (240) 313-2284
Cell: (301) 573-7039
TTY users may call any government office
through the Maryland Relay Service