- Indoor Golf Simulator
- Winter Simulator League
Embrace the thrill of the winter season with the 2024-2025 Black Rock Winter Simulator League!
League Details:
- Entry Fee: A cash-only entry fee of $50.00 gets you into the action, and once you’re in, it’s just $20.00 per week to play.
- Prizes: This league offers not one, but two ways to win. Compete for both Gross and Net prizes, adding an extra layer of excitement to your rounds.
- Designated Courses: Each week brings a new challenge as you play on the course designated for that week. It’s a great way to test your skills on various courses without having to leave the comfort of the indoor simulator.
- Make-Up Weeks: If you miss a week, simply check with the friendly pro shop staff to schedule a make-up week.
Click the sign-up form below to learn more.
- Indoor Golf Simulator
Our state-of-the-art indoor golf simulator is perfect for golfers who want to keep their game sharp year-round. With high-quality graphics and accurate ball flight tracking, you’ll feel like you’re on the course from the comfort of our indoor facility.
The simulator is equipped with a wide range of features, including 20 different courses, making it the perfect destination for both solo golfers and groups looking for a fun and unique activity.
Come see us today and take your game to the next level with our indoor golf simulator.
- Simulator Rates
Course rates include 1 hour of play for up to 4 people. Range rates are 15 minutes per session
1 hour session
- Weekday $35.00
- Weekend $40.00
Frequent Player Card 1 hour session
- Weekday $30.00
- Weekend $35.00
30 Minute Range Session (Range only)
- Weekday $15.00
- Weekend $20.00
Frequent Player Card 30-minute Range Session (Range Only)
- Weekday $10.00
- Weekend $15.00
- 2025 Washington County. All Rights Reserved.