Washington County > County Clerk > Boards & Commissions Application
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You may submit an on-line application to volunteer to serve on any of the following Boards, Commissions or Committees.
Click on the names of the Boards and Commissions shown below to see a description of their duties and the meeting dates, times, and locations. If you have questions about applying for a position contact Krista Hart, County Clerk, by calling 240-313-2204 or you may email her at [email protected].
Please view our Privacy Statement before submitting an application.
Please be advised that the application form is best viewed in Firefox or Chrome browsers. If you still have problems completing the application, please contact Krista Hart, County Clerk, by calling 240-313-2204 or you may email her at [email protected] for additional options.
County Clerk Menu
Board Duties:
To review at least semi-annually, the guardianship cases held by any public agency.
Four meetings per year (March 2, 2018, May 4, 2018, September 7, 2018 and November 2, 2018), 1:30 p.m., Wash. Co. Dept. of Social Services, 122 North Potomac Street, Hagerstown. Meetings are closed to the public because the records and information upon which the Board relies includes information about the provision of social services. Social services records are confidential and prohibited from disclosure pursuant to Md. Code Ann., Human Services, Sect. 1-201.
Board Duties:
To establish, maintain and operate the Washington County Agricultural Education Center by promoting agricultural pursuits and educational and recreational programs and activities.
3rd Wednesday of each month, 4:00 p.m., Ag Ed Center, 7313 Sharpsburg Pike, Boonsboro
Board Duties:
To advise the Board of County Commissioners with respect to the establishment of agricultural districts and the approval of purchases of easements by the Foundation within the County, assist in reviewing the status of agricultural districts and land under easement; advise of priorities for agricultural preservation; and promote the preservation of agriculture within the County.
Approx. 4 times per year as needed, 80 West Baltimore Street
Board Duties:
To provide recommendations regarding the marketing and economic development of Washington County’s agricultural industry and related businesses.
4 times per year (Feb., May, August, Nov.) 12:00 p.m., Agricultural Education Center
Board Duties:
To arbitrate and mediate disputes involving agricultural operations conducted on agricultural lands and issue opinions on whether such operations are conducted in a matter consistent with generally accepted agricultural management practices.
As needed, 120 West Washington Street, 2nd floor
Board Duties:
To provide policy and operational advice to the Airport Director concerning the operation and development of the Airport.
2nd Thursday of each month at 3:00 p.m., Airport Terminal. No meetings held July & Nov.; Dec. meeting held 3rd Thursday.
Board Duties:
To hear and decide cases referred by the animal control agency concerning the enforcement of the provisions of the Animal Control Ordinance for Washington County.
Hearings held 3rd Thursday of each month & as needed, 7:00 p.m., 80 West Baltimore Street
Board Duties:
To meet regularly with National Park Service representatives to provide community input into the decision making process for operations, policies and projects at the Antietam Battlefield.
1st Wednesday of each month, 2:00 p.m., Antietam Battlefield Administrative Office
Board Duties:
To provide advocacy on behalf of older adults in the County and advice on the needs of older adults to the Commission on Aging and its Executive Director.
Bi-monthly on the third Friday at 11:00 a.m. at Commission on Aging Offices, 535 East Franklin Street.
Board Duties:
To advise and provide assistance and recommendations to the County Commissioners regarding the Black Rock Golf Course for the use and benefit of the public, provide advice to the County and assist in the promotion of golf and related services to the public.
3rd Monday of each month, 4:30 p.m., Black Rock Golf Course.
Board Duties:
To hear and rule on matters appealing a decision of the Deputy Director of the Plan Review and Permitting Department regarding the Washington County Building Code. By-laws
Hearings held as needed, 80 West Baltimore Street
Board Duties:
The Community Health Advisory Commission was reinstated in 2018 and will provide the Commissioners with accurate information and expert insight regarding a variety of population health topics through a diverse group of actively engaged professionals within our community.
To Be Determined
Board Duties:
To review and evaluate annual General Fund allocation requests as submitted by community based, non-profit organizations listed in Section 1-108 of the Code of Public Local Laws for Washington County. Also, to make funding recommendations to the Commissioners consistent with the annually established Board priorities.
3-4 times during the months of September through January. All day workshop inDecember/January. Meetings are held in room 2001 of the County Administration Building, during normal business hours
Board Duties:
Advises the Board of County Commissioners relating to disabilities issues in Washington County.
As needed, Room 2001, County Admin. Complex.
Board Duties:
To advise the Board of County Commissioners on public policy relating to ethnic affairs, promote the involvement of all ethnic groups in business and community affairs, and advocate services and programs relating to the quality of life for all residents. By-Laws
The 2nd Monday of every month at 5:30 pm – 100 West Washington Street, Second Floor, Room 2001
Board Duties:
To review applications, administer examinations, issue licenses, and formulate rules and regulations governing the performance of electrical work in Washington County.
2nd Tuesday of each month, 7:30 a.m., 80 West Baltimore Street
Board Duties:
To provide recommendations on various emergency services issues as requested by the Board, may also serve in an advisory capacity to County
Monthly on the first Thursday at 7 p.m., Dept. of Emergency Services, 16232 Elliott Parkway.
Board Duties:
To advise the Board of County Commissioners with advice and suggestions on policies and procedures of the Division Environmental Management, information concerning new regulatory proposals, water and sewer service policies, solid waste issues, and recycling plans.
The 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5:00 pm 16232 Elliott Parkway
Board Duties:
To certify to the State Ethics Commission compliance with specified provisions of law; hear complaints filed by any person alleging violations of the Ethics Ordinance and make appropriate determinations.
As needed, County Attorney’s Office, County Admin. Bldg.
Board Duties:
To allocate funds to local charitable organizations that have made application during the annual funding cycle.
Approx. 8 times per year (Oct., Jan., March and May). An all-day workshop is held in June and two public hearing sessions in July.
Board Duties:
To list and review historic sites in Washington County by location type and significance for recommendation to the Planning Commission. Also sponsors annual “John Frey Historic Preservation Awards.
2nd Monday of each month, 12:00 p.m., Ramada Plaza “Fireside” Restaurant
Board Duties:
To provide a mechanism for the protection, enhancement and perpetuation of those significant historic structures, sites and districts which have historical, architectural, archeological and cultural merit.
1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., 100 W. Washington St., Room 2001.
Board Duties:
To make policy decisions on current and future programs, appoint an Executive Director, adopt budgets, perform strategic planning and provide leadership in the community.
3rd Thursday of each month, 12:00 p.m., 319 East Antietam Street, 2nd floor
Board Duties:
To comply with, implement, and perform the obligations set forth in the Community Partnership agreements executed between the State of Maryland, the Children’s Cabinet, the Governor’s Office for Children, the Commissioners, and the Local Management Board pertaining to children, youth, and their families.
6 times per year as necessary, 100 West Washington Street, 2nd floor
Board Duties:
To serve as an advocate for a comprehensive mental health system for persons of all ages.
A minimum of 4 times per year, 4th Wednesday at 12 p.m., including an annual meeting typically in November, 80 West Baltimore Street, Hagerstown
Board Duties:
To develop the Comprehensive Plan; recommendations on amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, Forest Conservation Ordinance, and Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance; approve development plans, subdivisions and site plans in accordance with appropriate regulations; provide guidance to the development community with regard to proposed developments; make recommendations on the consistency of the Capital Improvement Program with the Comprehensive Plan.
1st Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m., 100 West Washington Street, Room 2001
Board Duties:
To hear and enforce rules and regulations for the plumbing and HVAC trades.
1st Monday of each month, 3:00 p.m., 80 West Baltimore Street
Board Duties:
Members hear appeals concerning property tax assessments, the Home Owners’ Tax Credit Program, Renters’ Tax Credit Program, Ag. Land Preservation Easement Program and other local tax matters assigned to the board for hearing. (Members are paid per meeting by the State)
Approx. 20-30 daytime meetings/year, 3rd floor conf. rm., 35 West Washington Street
Board Duties:
To provide for the development and operation of recreational opportunities for all residents of Washington County.
1st Thursday of each month, 3:15 p.m., HCC ARCC
Board Duties:
Duties are broad but encompass seeking ways to assist and integrate the objectives of the Dept. of Social Services (DSS) into the general fabric and unmet needs of the County.
4th Monday of each month (Sept.-June) 5:30 p.m., DSS Boardroom., 122 N. Potomac St.
Board Duties:
To carry out, manage, and administer the activities, responsibilities and business of the Council, acquire and receive funds and property of any nature for the support of programs and activities
Mutually agreeable meetings set 2-4 times/year, usually on a Friday, location rotates between Allegany, Garrett & Wash. counties, dates established by Chair & Exec. Director
Board Duties:
To serve as a source of information and referral for women, identify, research, and help find solutions to problems of women and girls, promote the full and equal participation of women in work, government and society.
2nd Wednesday of each month, 6:00 p.m. , 100 West Washington Street, Second Floor, Room 2001.
Board Duties:
To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official in regard to the enforcement of the Wash. Co. Zoning Ord., Forest Conservation Ord., or of any ordinance adopted thereto.
Hearings held on the 1st and 3rd Weds. of each month, Co. Admin. Bldg., Room 2000.
County Clerk
100 West Washington Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Room 1101
Telephone: 240-313-2204
FAX: 240-313-2201
The office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday